</Anastasia Yusupova>
It is a representation of a person as a temporary being and a fixation of its staying in a specific place and time. The background for this fixation is the chronotope of a provincial city with its leisurely pace of life and a calm existence. Time smoothly flowing for a resident of the city. It is composed of days, months and years and leaves its mark on human mind. If a person is sick - he is being treated, if his clothes are worn out - he is buying a new one, or “they” say that the disease is incurable and a new coat is useless. The extinction and inconstancy of existence is a fact for all living things. But today it becomes the same fact for what “living things” manages to create throughout its “being”.
Wooden houses are the local symbols and recognized cultural phenomena of the city “become infected” with this temporality from their people, adopting their illnesses and the fact of aging. Like people, homes are individual in their gradual disappearance. Fading for some is already a settled issue, they are not dressed in new clothes and are not treated for illnesses. For others, aging is a distant prospect that the current consciousness does not care about with its bright T-shirts and raincoats.

Anastasia Yusupova