</odra> is an open platform for the Eastern European art community and beyond, offering a new outlook on the contemporary art of the countries often underrepresented by the mainstream. Our mission is to help artists, curators, researchers, critics and all other members of the community to be heard and seen, and make it easier for them to integrate into the global art context.

</odra> is a non-profit institution, you can support our activities with a donation. It would help us to continue our work.

</odra> team

Katya Ceppel

</odra> founder & creative director, producer and PR specialist in the fields of education, art and design. Katya launched </odra> with the support of Winzavod Foundation.

Andrei Savenkov

Editor-in-chief. A US-based journalist and a founding member of </odra>, he also works with the Art Newspaper and as an assistant professor teaching journalism and media management. Andrew serves as an adviser with the Winzavod Foundation for Contemporary Art.

Sophie Lizanets

</odra> social media editor, journalist, art historian and researcher. She explores topics related to the decolonization of Africa, currently living in Morocco, North Africa.

Lisa Merkulova

</odra> photographer. Photoeditor at Bol'shoy Gorod online Magazine.

Tanya Tarasova

</odra> assistant manager. She currently studies international journalism in college.
We invite journalists, researchers, artists, managers, curators and other members of the art community to cooperate with </odra> platform. If you want to join </odra> community, please reach out to odraplatform@gmail.com or fill out the form below.